The Effective Executive

Effectiveness isn’t a trait we’re born with, but there’s hope according to the late Peter F. Drucker, a man some designate as the father of management theory.

Fortunately for business owners, employees and managers alike, Drucker makes a case that executive effectiveness is learned through a set of principles which he outlines in his timeless book, The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done.

Regardless of your industry, job title, or business goals, we’re all faced with the ultimate expectation to get things done, or as Drucker states, “get the right things done.” The key to effectiveness manifests itself in learning a set of practices so well that they become habit, not skill.

The five habits of effectiveness are: 1. knowing where your time goes, 2. focus on outward contribution, 3. build on strengths, 4. concentrate on a few areas that produce outstanding results, and 5. make effective decisions.

Don’t let the 1966 publication date fool you – a combination of real world examples, stylized pros, and genuine wisdom make the Effective Executive a resource to be read and revisited.

Amazon: The Effective Executive

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